Everyone who has lost someone close to them feels grief and no two people grieve in the same way. Grief means having to face the reality of loss, allowing for the pain of that loss, and finding new ways to live meaningfully without the person who has died.

Walking Through Grief support can help

Through the ‘Walking Through Grief’ program we support adults who are bereaved as a result of terminal illness.

People walk and listen and talk to each other as they go. It’s an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation, to enjoy some gentle exercise in a safe and supportive environment and it’s ok to talk about the person you love, who has died, or not to talk at all.

We meet around Hobart, and the wider area, walk for about an hour and enjoy some morning tea afterwards,  and more compassionate supportive chatting, in a local cafe. A team of volunteers and a program coordinator support the walks. You can call us on 03 6231 9249 to find out more.